Professional Work

I am currently a Policy and Project Manager at True Ground Housing Partners (formerly Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing). In this role, I have had a hand in many transformative housing projects in the DC area, and I also lead True Ground’s communications with local and state governments. For a full list of my contributions, please see my CV below.

CV — English

CV — Français

For real estate projects I have worked on, please see below:

  1. Unity Homes at Ballston, Arlington, VA
  2. Loudoun View Senior Apartments, Loudoun County, VA
  3. Queens Court Apartments, Arlington, VA
  4. Oakwood Senior Apartments, Fairfax County, VA
  5. Fisher House Apartments, Arlington VA
  6. Snowden’s Ridge Apartments, Silver Spring, MD


As True Ground Housing’s policy manager, I have drafted many letters, testimonies, and case studies to government officials and the public. Here is some of my policy work.



Arlington County, Virginia


Alexandria, Virginia


Montgomery County, Maryland



